Servosteel Marketplace

How to...

How to list material

Goto the 'Parent Stock on Floor' or 'Processed Stock on Floor' report, found under the 'Stock Reports' menu.
Find the coils or packs of sheets you want to list on Marketplace and click the checkbox next to each item.
Scroll to the bottom of the report and click the 'List Selected Items on Marketplace' button.
Add any notes you want to include in the listing, select whether you want advised or actual measurements to be shown in the listing, then click the 'Add to Marketplace' button to complete the process.

How to send an enquiry

Goto the 'Available Material' list, found under the 'Marketplace' menu.
Find the coils or packs of sheets you want to enquire about and click the checkbox next to each item. Don't forget that you can filter the list to help you find exactly the material you're looking for.
Scroll to the bottom of the list and click the 'New Enquiry' button.
Check the details of the material selected then click the 'Send Enquiry' button.